Category:Sisters Tours

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This is a list of all pages categorised as "Sisters Tours".

Here under each link, the according gigs are listed with links to the page for the individual concerts.

We have, however, not yet accomplished the process of categorisation, so there are only few tours listed here at the moment.

For the time being please avail yourselves of our Gigography and of these pages as well:

For a chronological list of The Sisters of Mercy's tours over time, see also our Sisters Tours List.

- Heartland Forums Archives - Sisters August 2005 Tour - The Sisters of Mercy Tours 1996-2010
- Heartland Forums Archives - Sisters Bite The Silver Bullet Tour 2006                                    - The Ultimatesistersguide Tours 1981-1985
- Heartland Forums Archives - Sisters 2008/2009 Tours - The Ultimatesistersguide Tours 1990-1999
- Heartland Forums Archives - Sisters 2010/2011 Tours - The Ultimatesistersguide Tours 2000-2009
- Heartland Forums Archives - Sisters 2012 - The Sisters Of Mercy Database/Tours 1981-2003
- Heartland Forums Archives - Sisters 2014 ... Ever Forward
- Heartland Forums Archives - Sisters 2015 PLYC - Heartland Forums Archives - Sisters 2019
- Heartland Forums Archives - Sisters 2016 - Heartland Forums Archives - Sisters 2020-2022
- Heartland Forums Archives - Sisters 2017 - Heartland Forums Archives - Sisters 2023

Oncoming tour dates can always be found under Current events and of course on The Sisters' very own Live News Page.