Somewhat the virtual place of foundation of The Sisters of Mercy ...
and a few early Sisters gigs like:
Apart from the fact that Gary Marx and Andrew Eldritch regularly spent a good part of their time at F-Club events, very little is known about the F-Club series today ...
Here is a link to the website of John Keenan, the promoter of
many great gigs for bands in Leeds and the founder of the The F-Club or F Club event series.
In an interview with BBC Radio Leeds in 2007, John Keenan described the F-Club as follows:
... it was a moveable feast - starting out at Leeds Polytechnic and then at a variety of different venues
throughout the city between 1977-82. Just where the next club night would be held was passed on by
word of mouth, and if you were lucky enough to get in you'd have seen some of the best local bands ...
One further place for F Club events was Tiffany's located at Merrion Centre, Leeds.
Look here for another interview with John Keenan in Vibrations Magazine November 2008:
John F Keenan: Granddaddy of all Leeds promoters. Not literally.
Please skim through to page 17.
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