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Latest revision as of 14:18, 13 June 2023

A video-rip compiled from a collection of videos taken during the Sisters At The Planet Edge Tour to North America in 2023.
After more than fourteen years of absence, The Sisters of Mercy returned to America and visited Houston, Texas for the very first time.

Houston 2023 CD Cover (front)
Houston 2023 - CD Cover (inlay)

Recording Notes

  • Format: data (FLACs)
  • Video & Audio Editing: Planet Dave
  • Lineage:
WaveVideo / Open Shot --> download YT videos
XMedia Recode --> convert into FLACs
  • Circulated: May 2023



  • This is a fanbase production.
EBay Forbidden text.jpg


Track List

Houston 2023 - CD Cover (back)