Sat, 29-Oct-1983
From - The Sisters Of Mercy Fan Wiki
Alexandria Hotel, Los Angeles, USA
One of the first few US-gigs of The Sisters of Mercy and clearly the first one in L.A.
Other acts at the event were Cathedral of Tears, Venus and Unit 3
This concert was widely announced beforehand and a variety of according flyers exist, see the pictures down below...
An extensive and very recommendable article commemorating this concert can be found at the Sisters fanblog
I Was A Teenage Sisters of Mercy Fan under First West Coast US gig - L.A., 29th October 1983.
The Sisters' performance was recorded from the audience and the audio is in circulation among the fanbase.
- Andrew Eldritch - vocals
- Gary Marx - guitars, backing vocals
- Craig Adams - bass
- Doktor Avalanche - drums, percussions, keyboards

Announcement Flyer *** taken with many thanks from this increcible collection
Additional Pictures
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