I Was Wrong (flexi 1)
From SistersWiki.org - The Sisters Of Mercy Fan Wiki

I Was Wrong - Flexi 1 Cover (front), see also this link
This Russian Flexi contains the song I Was Wrong.
May be due the fact that there is more than
one version of I Was Wrong,
- one from the Vision Thing album, and
one from the Temple Of Love single -
there is also more than one flexi featuring this song.
This here seems to be the first pressing.
Release Notes
- Catalogue#: 2898
- Format: 5.5" vinyl flexi-disc single
- Release date: late 1980s or early 1990s
- Place of Release: Russia
- The flexi is recorded only on side A. There is no b-side.
- The recording is in mono and plays at 45 rpm.
- Allegedly, the cover consists of a b/w computer print on plain paper.
- The back of the cover does not enfold the flexi in full
so that the colour is visible.
- The cover of the second I Was Wrong flexi looks similar to this one,
apart from the fact that it has a "2" in place of the "1".
- Available in in clear, red, green and yellow vinyl colour.
- For the latter, no picture could be found so far, though.
Additional Pictures
- Please click into files for larger views -