User talk:Being645
From - The Sisters Of Mercy Fan Wiki
Hi ... :-)) ...
In case, you got anything to contribute to this Wiki and don't know how to manage,
or in case you have any questions, or whatever, please do not hesitate to contact us here,
or along a PM at Heartland Forum.
Or you ask the people there directly ... : - )) ... by starting a thread in the Sisters Chat or under Sisters FAQs
To do list:
- The Unmarked Door - pics/gen rev
- Gigography - 2011 Dates - rev individual dates
- Filmic Delights
- recording sessions
- Original Vids: more & better stills
- categorize, revise and create missing Bootleg CDs
- categorize, revise and create missing bootlegs, whatsoever
- categorize, revise and create missing DVD bootlegs
- tapes - scanned a few
- promos - category done
- songs/pictures of original releases
- linking of songs
- linking of support acts etc.