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[[File:The March Violets 2013 Logo.jpg|right|thumb|600px|''The March Violets'' - Current version of the band logo]]
[[File:The March Violets 2013 Logo.jpg|right|thumb|600px|''The March Violets'' - ''Made Glorious'' album and band logo]]
A Leeds-based band, started in 1981 by (among others) [[Simon Denbigh|Si Denbigh]],<br/>
A Leeds-based band, started in 1981 by (among others) [[Simon Denbigh|Si Denbigh]],<br/>
the long-time Nurse to [[The Sisters of Mercy|The Sisters']] [[Doktor Avalanche]].<br/>
the long-time Nurse to [[The Sisters of Mercy|The Sisters']] [[Doktor Avalanche]].<br/>
Their first two 7" singles [[Religious As Hell]] and [[Grooving In Green]]<br/>
Their first two 7" singles [[Religious As Hell]] and [[Grooving In Green]]<br/>
were released through [[The Sisters of Mercy]]'s label [[Merciful Release]].<br/>
were released through [[The Sisters of Mercy]]'s label [[Merciful Release]].<br/>
The March Violets usually described themselves as: <br/>
Nowadays, they describe themselves as: <br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;'''''Original Post Punk Drum Machine Band From Leeds.'''''<br/>  
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''''Original Post Punk Drum Machine Band From Leeds.'''''<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;'''''Started at the Beginning, Imploded, Reborn for the 21st Century.'''''<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''''Started at the Beginning, Imploded, Reborn for the 21st Century.'''''<br/>
For additional information about The March Violets history, please check [[The March Violets - Biography]] or the official links under [https://web.archive.org/web/20190126060332/http://www.marchviolets.co.uk/biography Biography (archieved)].<br/>
{{Under Revision}}
== Recent Developments ==
== ''Developments up until 2015'' ==
The March Violets Today are:<br/>
The March Violets then were:<br/>
|[[File:Si Denbigh1.jpg|thumb|165px|[[Simon Denbigh|Si Denbigh]] - vocals]]
|[[File:Si Denbigh1.jpg|thumb|165px|[[Simon Denbigh|Si Denbigh]] - vocals]]
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[[File:March Violets Love Will Kill You EP.jpg|thumb|310px|left|''Love Will Kill You'' - EP Cover]]
[[File:March Violets Love Will Kill You EP.jpg|thumb|310px|left|''Love Will Kill You'' - EP Cover]]
In November 2010, The March Violets decided to undertake the project of their first full album <br/>
In November 2010, The March Violets decided to undertake the project of their first full album along ''Pledge Music'',<br/>
along [http://www.pledgemusic.com/projects/themarchviolets#project Pledge Music]. Over 600 fans pledged their support and had The March Violets raise <br/>
196% of the money required. In the course of this pledge project, the band provided funds to <br/>
a [https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2019/10/25/rise-and-fall-of-pledgemusic/ crowdfunding-platform that went bankrupt in 2019]. Over 600 fans pledged their support and had The March Violets <br/>
the charity organisations of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friends_of_the_Earth Friends of the Earth], [http://www.clothcatleeds.org.uk/ Cloth Cat, Leeds Music Charity], and <br/>
raise 196% of the money required. In the course of this pledge project, the band provided funds to the charity organisations <br/>
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macmillan_Cancer_Support Macmillan Cancer Support].<br/>
of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friends_of_the_Earth Friends of the Earth], [http://www.clothcatleeds.org.uk/ Cloth Cat, Leeds Music Charity], and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macmillan_Cancer_Support Macmillan Cancer Support].<br/>
In mid-2011, the limited edition EP [http://www.marchviolets.co.uk/discography/lovewillkillyou_ep.html Love Will Kill You] was issued for sale at the gigs and <br/>
In mid-2011, the limited edition EP [https://web.archive.org/web/20110721092854/http://www.marchviolets.co.uk/discography/lovewillkillyou_ep.html Love Will Kill You (archieved)] was issued for sale at the gigs and offered for free<br/>
offered for free  as a pre-release to people who had pledged toward the new album.<br/> 
as a pre-release to people who had pledged toward the new album. An audio stream of "Road Of Bones", the first track of the EP, <br/>
Check [http://www.marchviolets.co.uk/audio-video/ this link] for an audio stream of "Road Of Bones", the first track of the EP.<br/>
A promo video of the song "Dandelion King!" from the 5-track EP was also produced including <br/>
was released under [https://web.archive.org/web/20110721092440/http://www.marchviolets.co.uk/audio-video/ this link (archieved)] but is no longer available. A promo video of the song "Dandelion King" from the 5-track EP <br/>
the participation of pledgers and can be watched [http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=kFE2-XNkVjw here on YT]. <br/>
was also produced including the participation of pledgers and can be watched [http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=kFE2-XNkVjw here on YT]. <br/>
[[File:March Violets Listening Party.jpg|right|thumb|260px|''Made Glorious'' - Listening Party Invitation]]
[[File:March Violets Listening Party.jpg|right|thumb|260px|''Made Glorious'' - Listening Party Invitation]]
[[File:The March Violets Made Glorious Download.jpg|thumb|310px|left|''Made Glorious'' - Download Cover]]
[[File:The March Violets Made Glorious Download.jpg|thumb|310px|left|''Made Glorious'' - Download Cover]]
In between recording and production in 2012, The March Violets played <br/>
In between recording and production in 2012, The March Violets played <br/>
Line 66: Line 65:
at The March Violets' Facebook page on April 7, 2013.<br/>
at The March Violets' Facebook page on April 7, 2013.<br/>
Meanwhile all pledgers have received their items and an according <br/>
Meanwhile all pledgers had received their items and an according <br/>
[http://www.marchviolets.co.uk/news.html#id558 ''Made Glorious Tour''] started on October 26th and <br/>
[[The_March_Violets_-_Made_Glorious_Tour_2013|''Made Glorious Tour'']] started on October 26th and <br/>
ended on November 23rd, 2013. <br/>
ended on November 23rd, 2013. <br/>
The lyrics to all songs of the new '''''Made Glorious''''' album are now <br/>
The lyrics to all songs of the new '''''Made Glorious''''' album are <br/>
available [http://marchviolets.co.uk/lyrics/ on The March Violets' Website].<br/>
available [https://web.archive.org/web/20190119225420/http://www.marchviolets.co.uk/lyrics/ on the very old March Violets' Website (archieved)].<br/>
[[File:March Violets Mortality Tour 2015.jpg|thumb|left|310px|Mortality Tour Announcement 2015]]
== ''<span style="color:DarkMagenta"><p><font size="5">Purple News</font></p></span>'' ==
== ''<span style="color:DarkMagenta"><p><font size="5">Purple News - Mortality Album and Tour</font></p></span>'' ==
The March Violets' lovely '''''Made Glorious Tour''''' is over and it worked out fine. <br/>
The [http://www.pledgemusic.com/projects/mortality ‘Mortality Tour and Album’ is the new Pledge from the March Violets]. <br/>
Throughout October pledgers get to experience a month of touring around the East Coast, with Backstage Action, Road Movie high jinx and other Purple nonsense. The Violets will be playing classic tracks live, then recording them in November in Chicago. With exclusive daily footage and a virtual Access Pass pledgers will be able to participate in the highs and lows of the entire Tour and Studio Saga. The involvement continues right up to Xmas, with an Advent Calendar with interesting Violet goodies behind each door, culminating in the Album download on Xmas day!<br/>
Meanwhile, we've traced an extensive interview conducted by [http://plunderthetombs.blogspot.de/ Plunder the Tombs] with [[Simon Denbigh|Si Denbigh]] ... talking about his resumee of the tour, <br/>
During this tour the March Violets were supported by [https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xat1/v/t1.0-9/12112336_10156346447765413_1468258453417220572_n.jpg?oh=532a31c1e06b8b43a4b5b01e54c3289a&oe=56C13BF5&__gda__=1451757623_217539944701a05a26ae429c5730c7dc William Faith] on bass. <br/>
the band and the "genre", some future plans and gigs envisaged for 2014 ... enjoy reading it here:<br/>
While the above mentioned tour was almost done (see tour announcement on the right), pledgers for the new [http://www.pledgemusic.com/projects/mortality ''Mortality'' Album] were still welcome. In May 2014, the album got also released as a digital download via [https://marchviolets.bandcamp.com/album/made-glorious-2 ''bandcamp'']. For further live and other news from the time, please check [http://uberviolet.co.uk/violets%20live.htm '''''The Violets Überviolet Live Page...'''''] and '''[http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-March-Violets/7570831190?v=info The March Violets on Facebook]'''<br/>
[http://plunderthetombs.blogspot.de/2013/12/an-interview-with-march-violets-si.html An Interview With The March Violets, Si Denbigh, 15 Decmber 2013]! <br/>
'''Unpredicted Occurrences<br/>
As some of you may have heard, Si suffered a pretty serious haemorrhagic stroke and was in the Neurological Rehab unit in Hospital, where he had to stay for a while. In November 2016, a [[Sun, 27-Nov-2016|fundraising event]] for Si Denbigh was initiated by [[Chris Catalyst]], which also included seeing [[Near Meth Experience]] on a day off. The event was a full success and reached its envisaged goal. Further information about this entirely entertaining evening, running order and stuff can be found [[Sun, 27-Nov-2016|here]] as well as @The Heartland Forums [https://www.myheartland.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=25761 here] and [https://www.myheartland.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=25775 here].<br/>
<span><font size="4">''External Links'' </font></span>
For various further information, please see any of the pages listed here below<br/>
==External Links==
For various further information, please see any of the pages listed here below<br/>
* '''[http://www.marchviolets.com/index.htm The March Violets' Brandnew Home]'''
* '''[http://www.marchviolets.com/index.htm The March Violets' Brandnew Home]'''
* '''[http://www.marchviolets.co.uk The March Violets' old website]'''
* '''[http://www.marchviolets.co.uk The March Violets' old website]'''
* '''[http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-March-Violets/7570831190?v=info The March Violets on Facebook]'''
* [http://www.marchviolets.co.uk/MVWebsite/index.htm Tom Ashton's archived March Violets site]
* [http://alightershadeofviolet.wordpress.com/2012/02/09/hello-world/ A Lighter Shade Of Violet - The March Violets's blog at wordpress.com] - pretty and interesting, though not updated since early 2012
* [http://www.tomashton.net/ Tom Ashton's new website]
* [http://www.marchviolets.co.uk/MVWebsite/index.htm Tom Ashton's archived March Violets site]
* [http://www.rosiegarland.com/ Rosie Garland's website]
* [http://www.themultiverse.org/ Tom Ashton's website]
* [http://www.rosielugosi.co.uk/ Rosie Lugosi - Rosie Garland's other project]
* [http://www.rosielugosi.co.uk/ Rosie Garland's - now Rosie Lugosi - site]
* [http://www.discogs.com/artist/110449-William-Faith William Faith @discogs]
* [http://louderthanwar.com/march-violets-manchester-academy-live-review/ Louder Than War - Review of the March Violets gig at Manchester Academy June 9th 2012]
* [http://louderthanwar.com/march-violets-manchester-academy-live-review/ Louder Than War - Review of the March Violets gig at Manchester Academy June 9th 2012]
* an extensive interview conducted by [http://plunderthetombs.blogspot.de/ Plunder the Tombs] with [[Simon Denbigh|Si Denbigh]] ...
: talking about his resumee of the tour, the band and the "genre", some future plans ...
: [http://plunderthetombs.blogspot.de/2013/12/an-interview-with-march-violets-si.html An Interview With The March Violets, Si Denbigh, 15 Decmber 2013]<br/>

Revision as of 22:17, 11 July 2024

The March Violets - Made Glorious album and band logo

A Leeds-based band, started in 1981 by (among others) Si Denbigh,
the long-time Nurse to The Sisters' Doktor Avalanche.

Their first two 7" singles Religious As Hell and Grooving In Green
were released through The Sisters of Mercy's label Merciful Release.

The March Violets usually described themselves as:

  Original Post Punk Drum Machine Band From Leeds.

  Started at the Beginning, Imploded, Reborn for the 21st Century.

For additional information about The March Violets history, please check The March Violets - Biography or the official links under Biography (archieved).

This page is currently Under Revision.

Developments up until 2015

The March Violets then were:

Si Denbigh - vocals
Rosie Garland - vocals
Tom Ashton - guitars
Jo Violet - bass
Love Will Kill You - EP Cover

In November 2010, The March Violets decided to undertake the project of their first full album along Pledge Music,

a crowdfunding-platform that went bankrupt in 2019. Over 600 fans pledged their support and had The March Violets

raise 196% of the money required. In the course of this pledge project, the band provided funds to the charity organisations

of Friends of the Earth, Cloth Cat, Leeds Music Charity, and Macmillan Cancer Support.

In mid-2011, the limited edition EP Love Will Kill You (archieved) was issued for sale at the gigs and offered for free

as a pre-release to people who had pledged toward the new album. An audio stream of "Road Of Bones", the first track of the EP,

was released under this link (archieved) but is no longer available. A promo video of the song "Dandelion King" from the 5-track EP

was also produced including the participation of pledgers and can be watched here on YT.

Made Glorious - Listening Party Invitation
Made Glorious - Download Cover

In between recording and production in 2012, The March Violets played

a short tour of the UK, some festival gigs at the WGT in Leipzig,

Germany and at the DV8 Fest in York as well as a support act with

the Psychedelic Furs in Leeds.

In April 2013 the new album Made Glorious was finally ready

for release and made available to the pledgers for a live listening party

at The March Violets' Facebook page on April 7, 2013.

Meanwhile all pledgers had received their items and an according

Made Glorious Tour started on October 26th and

ended on November 23rd, 2013.

The lyrics to all songs of the new Made Glorious album are

available on the very old March Violets' Website (archieved).

Mortality Tour Announcement 2015

Purple News - Mortality Album and Tour

The ‘Mortality Tour and Album’ is the new Pledge from the March Violets.
Throughout October pledgers get to experience a month of touring around the East Coast, with Backstage Action, Road Movie high jinx and other Purple nonsense. The Violets will be playing classic tracks live, then recording them in November in Chicago. With exclusive daily footage and a virtual Access Pass pledgers will be able to participate in the highs and lows of the entire Tour and Studio Saga. The involvement continues right up to Xmas, with an Advent Calendar with interesting Violet goodies behind each door, culminating in the Album download on Xmas day!

During this tour the March Violets were supported by William Faith on bass.

While the above mentioned tour was almost done (see tour announcement on the right), pledgers for the new Mortality Album were still welcome. In May 2014, the album got also released as a digital download via bandcamp. For further live and other news from the time, please check The Violets Überviolet Live Page... and The March Violets on Facebook

Unpredicted Occurrences
As some of you may have heard, Si suffered a pretty serious haemorrhagic stroke and was in the Neurological Rehab unit in Hospital, where he had to stay for a while. In November 2016, a fundraising event for Si Denbigh was initiated by Chris Catalyst, which also included seeing Near Meth Experience on a day off. The event was a full success and reached its envisaged goal. Further information about this entirely entertaining evening, running order and stuff can be found here as well as @The Heartland Forums here and here.

External Links

For various further information, please see any of the pages listed here below

talking about his resumee of the tour, the band and the "genre", some future plans ...
An Interview With The March Violets, Si Denbigh, 15 Decmber 2013