From - The Sisters Of Mercy Fan Wiki
Hi, what you see here on the left
is one of the idiot paintings
I need to do time and again.
This one is from 2003.
However, as far as I gather,
there's a lot to do round here ...
fine ... :)) ... since I like this place.
Place for your comments, questions, etc.
Please leave any remarks or questions here ...
Well, what do you know?
Good news. Another user has provided me a solution that works for my signature, so I won't have to worry about the copy/paste practice that I was forced to adopt, without going back to a shorter signature.
Bad news. I've been having issues changing my password. Are there certain characters that aren't compatible with passwords? I tried changing my password but it doesn't change my password. Nor does it tell me why it isn't saving. The boxes just refresh.